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1 beetroot

1 cup beans (boiled) 

¼ white cabbage

1 carrot

1 onion

2 tomatoes



1. Add the pre-cooked beans into boiling water.

2. Chop the cabbage and add to the saucepan.

3. Grate peeled beet and carrot. Finely chop the onion. Add to boiling water.

4. Grate the tomatoes and add to the saucepan.

5. Let the mixture boil for 5 minutes. Check the readiness of the cabbage.

6.  Season to taste.

7.  Remove from the stove, cover and let the borscht brew for 1 hour.

🔥Bon Appetit🔥

Let new changes appear in your life.
Eat tasty and healthy!
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